
发布时间:2023-01-31 12:04:03 来源: 哔哩哔哩





I suspect is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest Like, it makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.

Project Veritas Journalist:

Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning:

It [mutating COVID] sounds like Gain-of-Function to me.

I don't know, it's a little bit different. I think it's different. It’s like, this, it's definitely not Gain-of-Function.

Well, you're not supposed to do Gain-of-Function research with the viruses. They'd rather we not, but we do these selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent. So, there is research ongoing about that. I don't know how that's going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks cause, like,Jesus Christ. you know, fust goes everywhere. Which, I suspect is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest Like, it makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.

So, I mean, when is Pfizer going to implement the mutation of all these viruses?

I don't know, it depends on how the experiments work out because this is just like, something we're trying, right

It sounds like Gain-of-Function to me.?

I don't know, it's a little bit different. I think it's different. It’s like, this, it's definitely not Gain-of-Function.

Well, you're not supposed to do Gain-of-Function research with the viruses. They'd rather we not, but we do these selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent. So, there is research ongoing about that. I don't know how that's going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks cause like Jesus Christ.

So, tell me more, what’s developing with the whole, you know virus mutation process?

Well, they are still kind of conducting the experiments on it, but it seems like, from what I've heard, they’re kind of optimizing it, but they're going slow cause everyone's very cautious like you know, obviously they don't want to accelerate it too much, but I think they're also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don't want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations.

So, did that-did the whole virus mutation thing come from your executive Sarah [Wu]?

No, that came from-we have like chief scientific officers in the other divisions.

What's the goal for Pfizer doing that [COVID mutations]?

So, part of what they want to do is to try to figure out-to some extent, try to figure out like, you know how there's all these new strains and variants that just pop up? Why don't we try to like, catch them before they [variants]pop up in nature and we can develop a vaccine prophylactically, and so if it comes out later on, in the public, then you already have a vaccine kind of working

Oh my God. That’s perfect. Isn’t that the best business model though? Just control nature before nature even happens itself, right?

Yeah, if it works.

What do you mean if it works?

Because some of the times there are mutations that pop up that we are not prepared for like the delta and omicron and things like that, so... Who knows? I mean, either way, it’s going to be a cash cow. COVID will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward.

Well, I think the whole, you know, research of the viruses and mutating it [them], like, would be the ultimate cash cow.

Yeah, it would be prefect.

Isn’t that like the best business model though like just control nature before nature even happens itself?


Do you mean if it works because like sometimes people just do mutations to pop up right and we’re not prepare for it like with Delta or Omicron right and things like that so who knows I mean either way it’s gonna be a cash cow Kobe probably a cash cow for us for a while going for it well yeah, I obviously like?

Well, I think the whole you know I think the whole like research of the viruses and mutating it like would be the ultimate.

It [Pfizer] is a revolving door for all government officials.

Yeah, for any industry though. So, in the pharma industry, all the government officials who, you know, review our drugs, eventually, come work for pharma companies. And the military – all the army and defense government officials eventually go work for the defense companies afterwards.

How do you feel about that revolving door?

It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everyone else in America.

Why is it bad for everybody else [in America]?

Because if the regulators, who review our drugs, you know that once they stop being a regulator, they want to go work for the company, they are not going to be as harsh on the company where they're getting their job.

Project Veritas 记者:

辉瑞研发战略运营和 mRNA 科学规划总监Jordon Trishton Walker:

它 [变异 COVID] 对我来说听起来像是功能获得。


好吧,你不应该对病毒进行功能获得研究。 他们宁愿我们不这样做,但我们做了这些选定的结构突变,试图看看我们是否能让它们更有效。 因此,正在进行相关研究。我不知道那将如何运作。 最好不要再爆发疾病,例如耶稣基督。 你知道,fust 无处不在。 我怀疑这就是病毒在武汉开始的方式,老实说,这种病毒凭空冒出来是没有意义的。





好吧,你不应该对病毒进行功能获得研究。 他们宁愿我们不这样做,但我们做了这些选定的结构突变,试图看看我们是否能让它们更有效。 因此,正在进行相关研究。我不知道那将如何运作。 最好不要再像耶稣基督那样爆发。


好吧,他们仍在对其进行实验,但据我所知,他们似乎正在对其进行优化, 但他们进展缓慢,因为每个人都非常谨慎,就像你知道的,显然他们不想加速太多, 但我认为他们也只是想把它作为一种探索性的东西 因为你显然不想宣传你正在弄清楚未来的突变。

那么,整个病毒突变事件是否来自您的执行官 Sarah [Wu]?


辉瑞公司做那个 [COVID 突变] 的目标是什么?

所以,他们想做的部分事情就是试图弄清楚——在某种程度上,试图弄清楚, 你知道这些新的毒株和变种是怎么冒出来的吗?为什么我们不尝试喜欢,在它们 [变体] 在自然界中出现之前抓住它们,我们可以预防性地开发疫苗, 所以如果它稍后在公众中出现,那么你已经有了一种有效的疫苗

我的天啊。那很完美。这不是最好的商业模式吗? 在自然发生之前控制自然,对吧?



因为有时会突然出现我们没有准备好的突变,比如 delta 和 omicron 之类的东西,所以...... 谁知道?我的意思是,无论哪种方式,它都将成为摇钱树。 COVID 可能会成为我们未来一段时间的摇钱树。





你的意思是它是否有效,因为有时人们只是为了突然出现而进行突变,而我们并没有像 Delta 或 Omicron 那样为它做好准备,所以谁知道我的意思是无论哪种方式它都可能成为摇钱树科比对我们来说是一个摇钱树,为它好吧,是的,我显然喜欢?


它 [辉瑞] 是所有政府官员的旋转门。






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